Assessments are a MD State requirement and cost $100. The Assessment will give the therapist and client insight of the present counseling needs and determine if the 12-Hour Alcohol Educational Program is best suited for the client.
Each Assessment will take an average of 1.5 hours to complete. The results are confidential and will be discussed between client and therapist.
Assessments are offered during the evenings and on Saturday mornings and afternoons.
Call 443.540.5433 to schedule your confidential appointment.
Cash, Money Orders, MasterCard and VISA are accepted.
DWI/DUI Alcohol Education Program (AEP) is a 12-Hour Course for First-Time Offenders. The course is offered during the evenings from 6-8:00pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9-11am.
DWI/DUI AEP Fee is $300.00 and may be paid in full (or per module ($50). Payments must be paid at the time of registering for the course, unless arrangements are made for later payment. We accept Money Orders, MasterCard, & VISA for payment.
If it is determined that the 12-Hour Program is not the best-fit for your counseling needs, you will be referred to a 26-week program.
If you have Legal Representation, we will communicate your progress to him/her. If not, we will help you select an attorney.